USB3 Vision in the Sun

USB3 Vision in the Sun

If you are new to the industry you might not be aware of the AIA Business Conference. The AIA will be holding its annual business conference in Orlando this week from February 20th to 22nd. This conference is not a product showcase but rather an important networking event where industry players forge valuable relationships. Participants also learn about industry trends and share thoughts on the direction of the industry. The fact that the event is held in Orlando creates an atmosphere conducive to open, productive conversations in a more casual setting.

The partnerships formed between industry players and the coordination of efforts are key to the success of the machine vision industry. A machine vision solution is composed of many subsystems be it illumination, sensors, cameras, framegrabbers, positioning devices, computers, software and the communication infrastructure that connects all of these together, no simple task indeed. Having manufacturers work closely together and understand each other’s products is essential to the proper functioning of these complex solutions. A recent example of industry leadership and cooperation in driving new technologies is the introduction of USB3Vision. This important communication protocol is specific to machine vision. It was developed by a mix of manufacturers, many of which are new to USB technology and a few veterans of USB 2.0 that bring over a decade of product development and unique expertise to the table. Many of these companies often compete, but here they have come together in the best interest of the industry. Spearheaded by the AIA, USB3Vision is a great example of companies working together to create a better future for users of machine vision systems.

I will be attending the AIA Business Conference and looking forward to engaging in meaningful conversations, as well as working together to improve machine vision systems.